Accreditation of the Integral Security Services Company S.A. as a teaching unit
This investigation is about SEISA as a teaching unit of the Faculty of Technical Sciences of the Enrique José Varona University of Pedagogical Sciences in order to stimulate the relations between study-work in the investigative-labour practice, as the basis of the science-technology relations in the university and invention-innovation in the company and promote student training from the Company.
In this article, it investigates the process of university extension in the teaching unit, it explains and give argument about the
accreditation of SEISA as a teaching unit, that contributes to the research-labor training of university students. It also carried out the epistemological study of the object of the investigation, some research methods are used, theoretical and empirical they allowed to systematize and characterize the teaching unit from the relationships that take place between the intrauniversity-inter-university-extra-university.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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