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The SEgurIdad y SAber Magazine is a scientific journal published in digital format and continuous construction with a biannual frequency that publishes under an open access policy through the automated system OJS (Open Journal Systems) operating under a Creative Commons 4.0 license (https:// Access to the contents of the journal is completely free, as well as the reception, evaluation, processing and publication of the manuscripts received.

SECURITY AND KNOWING aims to disseminate both theoretical and application results related to national and foreign scientific production in relation to the History of technical security systems, Fire Protection Systems, Physical Protection Systems, Development and Innovation of parts , parts and security equipment, innovation in the installation and maintenance processes of these Systems, Digital Transformation and other related areas in their link with comprehensive protection.

The journal publishes the following types of documents:

Editorial. Document written by the editor, a member of the Editorial Committee or a guest researcher on the content present in the journal and an event or activity of national or international impact or relevance, on the date the journal issue is published. Scientific research articles on the topics: fire protection systems, physical protection systems, development and innovation of parts, pieces and safety equipment, innovation in the installation and maintenance processes of comprehensive protection systems, comprehensive security solutions that guarantee the protection of people, buildings and technological equipment, design, assembly and integration of Security Systems in the Cuban market, history of technical security systems, technological developments and innovation in protection systems.

These are documents that present, in detail, the original results of research carried out.

The magazine is aimed primarily at researchers, professionals, and specialists in comprehensive protection, as well as entrepreneurs and managers who must prevent risks for the proper functioning of their institutions.

It is a publication in the open access system. The authors of the articles retain the copyright of their works under the Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 License (CC BY 4.0) (, that allows unrestricted use as long as the main author and the source are cited

This journal does not pay an article processing charge (APC) for manuscripts accepted after peer review, nor does it charge for articles rejected without submission charges. There are also no surcharges based on the length of an article, figures or supplementary data. All review, research, or editorial articles (editorials, corrections, additions, retractions, letters, comments, etc.) are published free of charge.

The authors are obliged to verify that their article meets all the elements shown below. Works that do not meet these guidelines will be returned to the authors.