Interactive manual fire fighting and prevention


Interactive manual fire fighting and prevention

Danis A. Rodriguez Espinosa
Gladys Estapé Rodríguez
Reynaldo Carballo Cuenca
Carlos Fidel Rojas Santiestéban


The research aims to develop an interactive Fire Fighting and Prevention Manual to raise the general culture of clients and users; put them in tune with the technologies, procedures and modes of action in the event of a fire outbreak. Various methods were applied, including: analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction, modeling, among others, contributing from a theoretical-methodological systematization that finds its practical embodiment in an interactive online manual that can be accessed through mobile phones. , computers or other devices by clients and users. It favors the appropriation of new knowledge that allows us to explain, interpret, value, analyze and act in a greater degree of depth and essence on the phenomenon of fire and its nature.


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How to Cite
Rodriguez Espinosa, D. A., Estapé Rodríguez, G., Carballo Cuenca, R., & Rojas Santiestéban, C. F. (2023). Interactive manual fire fighting and prevention. SEgurIad Y SAber. Scientific Journal, 2(3). Retrieved from
Curriculum synthesis

Danis A. Rodriguez Espinosa, Security Services Company Comprehensive (SEISA)

Information Management Technician.

Gladys Estapé Rodríguez, Security Services Company Comprehensive (SEISA)

Director of the I+D+I Complex.

Reynaldo Carballo Cuenca

Knowledge Management Specialist.


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