Peer review process
The articles received are initially evaluated by the Editorial Committee to ensure compliance with the minimum requirements. The criteria for preliminary acceptance are as follows:
- The works must be original and unpublished; correspond to the themes of the magazine; stand out for its originality, novelty and validity.
- The document must be properly structured, showing a logical exposition with quality, rigor and good writing.
- The article must strictly comply with the writing standards.
- The sources that serve as reference must be current, reliable and recognized within the scientific community.
The journal SEgurIdad y SAber has established a policy of review by academic peers (peer review), under the double-blind modality, for each article submitted for publication that gives an opinion on it. It means that once an article has been received, the Editorial Committee selects a couple of reviewers who anonymously and disinterestedly evaluate its scientific quality according to a set of established criteria.
The evaluators are peers both in knowledge of the subject, as in degrees, level of studies, recognition and academic or professional prestige equal to or greater than the author.
The magazine has a Council of referees, made up of professionals and specialists in the History of technical security systems, Fire Protection Systems, Physical Protection Systems, Development and Innovation of parts, pieces and security equipment, innovation in processes of installation and maintenance of these Systems, Digital Transformation and other related areas in their link with comprehensive protection, with 50% coming from institutions outside SEISA. At least one external referee always participates in the evaluation of the article.
The members of the Editorial Committee can also act as referees.
The recommendation resulting from the opinion can be:
- Accept Submission: Accepted for publication in its original form.
- Revisions Needed: Accepted with optional suggestions.
- Resubmit for review: Conditional on the author making essential changes.
- Refused.
The main reasons that will lead to the rejection of an article by the reviewers are referred to: the lack of originality and scientific novelty, the unreliability of the methods and procedures used, as well as the low quality and poor updating of the bibliographic references.
In the event that there is disagreement between the two designated reviewers, the decision will be made by the Editorial Committee, whether or not the article is published. The results of this process are unappealable.
The Editorial Committee and the experts who review the manuscripts ensure that they maintain special care with the established ethical standards, avoiding conflicts of interest. The review process lasts 90 business days. The time that the adjudicator has to review the work is 60 business days. The authors have a maximum period of 30 days (counted from the date on which the results of each evaluation are sent), for the delivery of the corrected version of their article according to the recommendations of the referees.
Before completing the editing process of an article selected for publication, it will be sent to the authors so that they can review the correction changes made and communicate their agreement with them. Once your article is published, you will be notified electronically.