Relationship between Innovation and Knowledge Management in the Comprehensive Security Services Company


Relationship between Innovation and Knowledge Management in the Comprehensive Security Services Company

PhD. Reynaldo Carballo Cuenca
Gladys Estapé Rodríguez
MSc. Alina Ofelia Chapman Goodridge


This research arises due to the need to resolve existing insufficiencies in the training and development of human capital from the existing relationship between innovation and knowledge management in SEISA. The objective is aimed at theoretically and methodologically substantiating the dynamics of these relationships to contribute to the development of creative innovations by professionals from new conceptions of competitiveness and market. As a way of solving this problem, the elaboration of a Conception of Training and Development of Knowledge Management for Innovation from the SEISA-University Link is proposed, which takes into ac- count the existing relationship and the diverse nature of knowledge management scientific and technological; and the creative nature of innovation through a training process in which the instructive, educational and developer takes place. Theoretical methods (analysis-synthesis; functional structural systemic) and empirical methods (observation; survey) are applied.


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How to Cite
Carballo Cuenca, R., Estapé Rodríguez, G., & Chapman Goodridge, A. O. (2022). Relationship between Innovation and Knowledge Management in the Comprehensive Security Services Company. SEgurIad Y SAber. Scientific Journal, 1(1). Retrieved from


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