Guidelines for authors
SEgurIdad y SAber is a scientific journal published in digital format and continuous construction with a biannual frequency founded in 2022 with headquarters at Empresa de Servicios de Seguridad Integral S.A (SEISA) Cuba, dedicated to scientific production related to the History of technical systems of Security, Fire Protection Systems, Physical Protection Systems, Development and Innovation of parts, pieces and security equipment, innovation in the installation and maintenance processes of these Systems, Digital Transformation and other related areas in their connection with protection integral.
The main target audience of the magazine are researchers, professionals, and specialists in comprehensive protection, as well as businessmen and managers who must prevent risks for the proper functioning of their institutions.
Works are published on the topics fire protection systems; physical protection systems; development and innovation of parts, pieces and safety equipment; innovation in the installation and maintenance processes of comprehensive protection systems; comprehensive security solutions that guarantee the protection of people, buildings and technological equipment; design, assembly and integration of Security Systems in the Cuban market; history of technical security systems; technological developments and innovation in protection systems.
It is a publication in the open access system. Article authors retain the copyright of their works under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC) License , which allows sharing (copying and redistributing the material in any medium or format) and adapting (remixing, transforming and creating from the material) on the condition that authorship is acknowledged and no commercial use is made of the materials.
This journal does not pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) for manuscripts accepted after peer review, nor does it charge for articles rejected without submission charges. There are also no surcharges based on the length of an article, figures or supplementary data. All review, research, or editorial articles (editorials, corrections, additions, retractions, letters, comments, etc.) are published free of charge.
The authors are obliged to verify that their article meets all the elements shown below. Works that do not meet these guidelines will be returned to the authors.
Article Submission Instructions
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check that their submission meets all of the elements shown below. Submissions that do not meet these guidelines will be returned to authors.
1. The petition has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal.
2.The file sent is in Microsoft Word format.
3. There were added web addresses for references where applicable.
4. The text has space and a half line spacing; the font is arial 12 points; all the illustrations, figures and tables are within the text in the place that corresponds to them and not at the end of the whole.
5. The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Guidelines for authors.
6. You have to ensure that the instructions in Ensuring a blind review have been followed.
All works must be original and unpublished, in Spanish. Papers that have been previously published or are under consideration by the Editorial Board of another national or foreign journal are not accepted.
The process of submitting articles will be carried out online, through the email address by the main author or the person designated as the main contact for editorial correspondence.
As part of the documentation attached to the article, the document of "Declaration of originality and transfer of copyright", signed by all the authors of the work, must be sent to the Editorial Committee of the journal.
Copyright Notice
SEgurIdad y SAber it is a publication in the open access system. Article authors retain the copyright of their works under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC) License , which allows sharing (copying and redistributing the material in any medium or format) and adapting (remixing, transforming and creating from the material) on the condition that authorship is acknowledged and no commercial use is made of the materials.
Privacy statement
The names and email addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the stated purposes and will not be made available for any other purpose or person.
Rules for submitting articles
*The document must contain a header on the first page specifying the theme in which the article is framed, of those defined by the journal.
*The article must be written in Spanish, indicating in italics the terms in another language. The writing will be done in the third person, using clear, direct and precise language; as well as avoiding repetitions, unrecognized terms in scientific language, idioms, regionalisms and colloquial language.
*Abbreviations must be dispensed with and acronyms must appear with their meaning duly clarified, from the first time they are used in the text. For the measurement units, only the use of the International System of Units (SI) is allowed. Decimal numbers must be separated by commas and not by periods.
*The article will be delivered as Microsoft Word text, .doc extension in Arial (12 points), and 1.5 line spacing justified to the left. Title and subtitles should be highlighted in bold.
*Las imágenes en formato JPG a 150 dpi de resolución, tablas, gráficos y figuras ubicados en el lugar del texto que les corresponde. En el caso de las imágenes y las tablas, estas deben llevar título y una nota explicativa al pie, donde se aclare si ha sido elaborada por el propio autor o tomada de otro texto (en este caso, referenciar).
* The references will appear numbered consecutively at the end of the text and will be made according to the APA norms, publication style manual of the American Psychological Association., 7th. edition.
Specific for each type of collaboration
In all types and exceptionally, the Editorial Committee can accept proposals that exceed the maximum length declared.
Brief contributions where communications are made that reflect the opinions or positions of the Editorial Committee of the Journal in relation to general scientific or methodological issues, scientific events or scientific policy considerations that must be taken into account by the scientific community. You can discuss topics covered in the journal itself or in another scientific journal with a maximum length of 2 pages.
Original Article
Article that communicates for the first time the results of an original investigation conducted by the authors with a maximum length of 5000 words or 12 pages of text, including images, tables, graphs, figures and references.
Exceptionally and due to its importance, an article with a maximum of 6,000 words or 15 pages in length will be accepted.
Review article
Article that does not present original research results, but rather narrative and analytical essays summarized from existing information on the state of the art on a particular topic. They are compendiums of information on specific topics that are of interest to a wide spectrum of specialists.
All text must be supported by citations and its maximum length is 5,000 words or 12 pages. It can include images, tables, graphs, illustrations and figures. The sections into which the material will be divided will depend on the topic.
Exceptionally and due to its importance, an article with a maximum of 6,000 words or 15 pages in length will be accepted.
Other communications
Short papers on the results of ongoing research or other contributions that deserve rapid dissemination. It includes reflections, essays, interviews and project descriptions on different problems of professional interest. Its maximum length is 3,000 words or 10 pages, including text, tables, graphics, and images, if necessary.
Exceptionally and due to its importance, an article with a maximum of 5,000 words or 12 pages in length will be accepted.
Structure of articles
The article must be presented following the basic structure of a scientific article:
1. Title: The title will appear on the first page, in Spanish and English. This should be brief (not exceeding 20 words) and precise description to catch the reader's interest. It should not contain abbreviations, acronyms, jargon, references, or start with question marks. The excessive use of prepositions and articles should be avoided, as well as not using repetitive expositions, such as: "Study on", "Investigation about", "Analysis of the results of", "Observations about", etc. Subtitles should be avoided, as far as possible.
2. Authors: Only works of up to 4 authors are admitted, who must have contributed substantially to the research. The order of appearance must correspond to the order of contribution to the work, recognizing the first as the main author. The names and surnames of all the authors must be properly identified, as well as the affiliation institutions (full name, organization, city and country), postal addresses (including the postal code) and emails. A brief curricular summary (maximum 120 words) containing the highest academic title obtained, specialties, teaching or research category and professional occupation must also be included.
3. Abstract: Its content should reflect the most important aspects of the work, including concise information about: objectives, methods, main results and conclusions. The Abstract must not present any information or conclusion that is not included in the article. It must be written in Spanish, with a maximum length of 150 words and must not contain quotes, tables, references or mathematical expressions. It must be written in the past tense, because it refers to a job already done. Unless a long expression is used multiple times in the Abstract, it should not be abbreviated. It is better to wait and present the appropriate abbreviation the first time the term is used in the text.
4, Keywords: Between 3 and 6 words (generally nouns) linked to the problem, method and/or result of the article can be presented. They can be compound nouns, but never phrases. They must be submitted separated by commas (,) and in Spanish.
5. Document body:
It must follow a structure of subtitles and headings that demonstrate the following elements:
* Introduction: Provides the reader with the necessary background that allows him to understand and evaluate the study carried out, without the need to consult other works or materials on the subject. A large part of the Introduction should be written in the present tense, because it will refer mainly to the problem posed and to the knowledge admitted on the subject at the time of starting the work.
This section should include a brief and concise explanation of the need and importance of the subject studied, the object of study, the nature and scope of the problem analyzed, as well as a clear definition of the purposes or objectives pursued with the work (the that should be related to the conclusions).
The statement of the problem must include the state of the research in this regard (background), the identification of the contradictions (analytical, methodological, theoretical or empirical) that give rise to the beginning of the research, the critical analysis of similar works, the method of research and advance the contribution of the article, mentioning the main results and conclusions derived from them.
The use of absolute statements should be avoided due to possible associated ethical conflicts.
The method and the analysis strategy that allow the research to take place will be explained.
*Development: The principles, relations and generalizations reached must be presented. Compare and interpret the results obtained in a direct, clear and precise way, contrasting them with the proposed objectives. The authors must present their own opinions on the subject, highlighting the novel and relevant aspects of the study, indicating how the results refer to expectations and the literature cited, as well as mentioning the limitations of the research. Avoid repeating concepts that have appeared in the Introduction. Its writing in the present tense is recommended, because the findings of the work are already considered scientific evidence.
* Conclusions: They must refer to the objectives of the study and the main contribution of the research. They are presented concisely, independently of each other and numbered. Do not extend your conclusions beyond what is directly supported by your results, avoid speculation.
* Bibliographic references: This section includes the previous works that the author cites as precedents of his own work. First, only important and published works should be listed. References to the following sources should not be included in this section:
- Postgraduate courses. Preparation or any other unpublished document.
-Course manuals, software, equipment, instruments, etc.
- Unpublished Books and Monographs.
-Software and software sites.
-Unregistered journals, without ISSN or non-scientific journals.
-Unrecognized sites, such as: Wikipedia, monografí,, social networks, .com sites, etc.
-Unrecognized events: forums, national workshops, etc.
Use as many updated and quality references as possible, mainly those published in the last 5 years and from scientific journals, both national and international. Avoid self-citations, both from the author and from SEISA Magazine.
Guidelines for the preparation of Bibliographic References based on APA standards, Publication Style Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition.
References to any type of document consulted must be included in parentheses within the text, not at the foot of the page.
If the citation is textual, it is inserted between quotation marks, followed by a parenthesis where the last name of the author or authors, the date of publication of the text and the page (Author, date, page) are specified. If the work has more than two authors, the first time all are included, in the following ones only the surname of the first author is written, followed by et al. (1st author et al., year of publication, page). If the citation does not have an author, then include the title and then the date. In the case of Internet pages, the name of the page or its electronic address must appear. If the citation has more than 40 words, it is located in a block, independent of the text (without quotation marks).
- “xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xx xxxxxx xxxxx” (Autor, año, p.)
- “xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xx xxxxxx xxxxx” (1er. autor et al., año, p.)
- Autor afirma que “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx” (año, p.)
In the case of indirect (paraphrased) citations of the revised text, the data is inserted in the same way inside the parentheses (without page number), but the location of this depends on the wording of the text.
- xxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxx (Autor, año)
- Autor (año) comenta que xxxxxx xx xxxxxx…
References (only of the cited texts) must appear at the end of the document, numbered consecutively and in alphabetical order, beginning with the last names of the author(s) or editor(s). If it is necessary to reference several texts by the same author, they should appear from the oldest to the most recent, if they have the same publication date, in alphabetical order according to the title of the work.
Autor, A. A. (año de la publicación). Título del libro. Lugar. Editorial.
Autor, A. A. (año de la publicación). Título del capítulo o artículo. En Compilador o Editor, A. A. Título del libro. Lugar. Editorial.
Publicaciones seriadas
Autor A. A. (fecha). “Título del artículo”. Nombre de la publicación. p.-p.
Autor A. A. (fecha). Título. (Tesis…). Universidad. Ciudad.
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