Company-community link: experiences in vocational training


Company-community link: experiences in vocational training

Téc. Danis A. Rodríguez Espinosa
Téc. Yanet Vivar Acevedo
MSc. Alina O. Chapman Goodridge


The work is the result of the experience obtained with the work carried out with students of Group B of 4th. grade of the Manuel Martínez Prieto elementary school in the municipality of Marianao, which contains activities that contribute to vocational training. Because it is one of the priorities of the Integral Security Company S.A. (SEISA) to connect with the community, explores the educational environment that surrounds the company, and from the study the Manuel Martínez Prieto primary school was selected to begin consolidating the objective: links are established, a collaboration agreement is signed, various contacts with the management of the school, the circle of interest is created and agreements are made for the beginning of a growing and beautiful relationship. The program for the circle of interest was determined and in practice the satisfactory quality of the training and professional orientation process was verifed.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Espinosa , T. D. A., Vivar Acevedo, T. Y., & Chapman Goodridge, M. A. O. (2023). Company-community link: experiences in vocational training. SEgurIad Y SAber. Scientific Journal, 2(2), 03–09. Retrieved from


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