Methodology to organize the obtaining of parts that substitute imports in SEISA


Methodology to organize the obtaining of parts that substitute imports in SEISA

MSc. José Antonio Martínez Varela
Ing. Enrique Castiñeiras Carro


The objective of this methodology, based on the functions assigned to the CDPS, is to establish what steps to take, who is responsible and how to do them, to reduce the times of the stages in the manufacture of parts destined for import substitution, in a way that that each of the Center’s specialists who carry out this work have a guide to achieve it efficiently and effectively.


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How to Cite
Martínez Varela, M. J. A., & Castiñeiras Carro, I. E. (2023). Methodology to organize the obtaining of parts that substitute imports in SEISA. SEgurIad Y SAber. Scientific Journal, 2(2), 32–34. Retrieved from


Ley 1268 Regula la política de PCI y faculta al Cuerpo de Bomberos para regir la misma, Marzo de 1974, La Habana, Cuba.

Directiva 1 del Estado Mayor Nacional de la Defensa Civil. Edición 2010.

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