I SEISIANO Symposium on Technical Security Systems and Digital Transformation


I SEISIANO Symposium on Technical Security Systems and Digital Transformation

MSc. Ayleen Herrera Suárez


This document contains the basic concepts of the digital transformation and its need in or- ganizations. are highligthted key phenomena and institutions asso- ciated with this transformation: the projects; the Research, Develop- ment and Innovation Complex; the Knowledge Management Center; the Network Management Cen- ter and communications; the use of social networks; the center of Management and Development of Computer Applications; the center of Development of Security Pro- ducts; the levels of evolution, the model to be implemented, the guidelines and the path to digital transformation.


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How to Cite
Herrera Suárez, A. (2022). I SEISIANO Symposium on Technical Security Systems and Digital Transformation. SEgurIad Y SAber. Scientific Journal, 1(1). Retrieved from https://seguridadysaber.seisa.cu/index.php/seisa/article/view/13