SEgurIdad y SAber aims to disseminate scientific production in relation to the history of technical security systems, fire protection systems, physical protection systems, development and innovation of parts, pieces and security equipment, innovation in the processes of installation and maintenance of these Systems, Digital Transformation and other related areas in their link with comprehensive protection.
The journal is aimed primarily at researchers, professionals, and specialists in comprehensive protection, as well as entrepreneurs and managers who must prevent risks for the proper functioning of their institutions.
The journal publishes documents in the following sections:
Editorial. Document written by the editor, a member of the Editorial Committee or a guest researcher on the content present in the journal and an event or activity of national or international impact or relevance, on the date the journal issue is published.
Think about security. Scientific research papers and fire protection system projects; physical protection systems; comprehensive security solutions that guarantee the protection of people, buildings and technological equipment; design, assembly and integration of Security Systems in the Cuban market.
Scientific research articles and development and innovation projects of parts, pieces and safety equipment; innovation in the installation and maintenance processes of comprehensive protection systems; technological developments and innovation in protection systems.
Works on the development of the Comprehensive Security Services Company S.A (SEISA) and its impact on Cuban society; history of technical security systems, Impact. Information about events and their call; news in publications on the topics of the magazine and notes of interest.
The journal is aimed primarily at researchers, professionals, and specialists in comprehensive protection, as well as entrepreneurs and managers who must prevent risks for the proper functioning of their institutions.
Works are published on the topics: fire protection systems, physical protection systems, development and innovation of parts, pieces and safety equipment, innovation in the installation and maintenance processes of comprehensive protection systems,
Comprehensive security solutions that guarantee the protection of people, buildings and technological equipment, design, assembly and integration of Security Systems in the Cuban market, history of technical security systems, technological developments and innovation in protection systems.